Some confuse learning disabilities with intellectual disabilities, but they are typically classified as two separate development disability. According to the individuals with Disabilities Education act, a learning disability is defined as a "disorder in one or more of the basic psychological involved in understanding in using language, spoken or written. " on the other hand, an intellectual disability is significantly subaverage general intellectual functioning, existing concurrently with deficits in adaptive behaviour and manifested during the development period." it continues. however in the United Kingdom, the term "intellectual disability" is often used refer to learning disabilities, adding to the confusion.
While individuals with learning disabilities and those with learning disabilities and those with cognitive or intellectual disabilities share some similar observations regarding digital accessibility and inclusion, those with cognitive challenges frequently face additional barriers less common in those who are learning disabled.
Common Types of Learning Disabilities
"Learning disability" is a broad term used term used to describe several specific several specific diagnoses. Dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, nonverbal learning disorder, and oral/written language disorder and specific reading comprehension deficit are among the most prevalent.
According to the nonprofit Learning Disabilities Association of America, dyslexia is "characterized by deficits in accurate and fluent word recognition." This can lead to Difficulties with reading, writing, spelling, listening, and mixing up words. Dyslexia is one of the most widespread and well-known learning disabilities. The nonprofit International Dyslexia Association estimates that dyslexia-like symptoms may affect 15 to 20 percent of school-aged children in thw United States.
Dyscalculia causes difficulties understanding and calculating numbers. it may effect mathematical ability and quantitative reasoning.
dyscalculia is characterized by difficulties with written expression, including impaired writing ability and fine motor skills.
Nonverbal Learning Disorders (NLD)
While not included in the Diagnostic and statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), growing research suggests that nonverbal learning disorder can make it.
challenge to interpret body language and facial expressions. It may also impair Coordinate.
Oral/writing Language Disorder And Specific Reading Comprehension Deficit.
Oral/writing language disorder and specific reading compression deficit can affect an individual understanding and/or expression of both spoken and written Language.
Common Difficulties Associated with Learning disabilities
While symptoms vary between different learning disabilities, and even between individuals with the same disorder, many face some all of the following Challenges
Difficulties with hand-eye coordination
Fine and gross motor skill including
Attention problems, including ADHD
Slower processing
Trouble with logic and reasoning
difficulty following directions
Memory issues
Sensory problems
Difficulty staying organized
Problems with sequencing

Didn't know about this Simon.
This is very informative Simon.