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Injured men returning from WW1 conflict

WW1 A disability Perspective


Our project is using a community based website designed with features enabling disabled people to participate in sharing both family and general histories relating to WW1. The aim: to reflect on the impact this event had on both the descendant as well as the wider social and economic community of North Tyneside. Based on a Facebook type interaction and a supportive e- environment to enable vulnerable individuals to upload their stories, articles and features about their ancestral and document history that has not had the opportunity to be broadcast to a wider public. Training in sound recording and digital photography is available from our volunteers who are trained to support people with a wide range of disabilities and, where appropriate, to assist with visits to the various archives across the borough and regionally. This project will also provide additional value through increasing social connections between disabled and elderly people in the mastering digital communications while, simultaneously, promoting the multi faceted life of North Tyneside during and immediately following WW1 from the perspective of a disabled person.

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This website is designed, produced and updated by our volunteers 2017
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