Many social networks allow you to post your location or check in each time you tweet or post a status update. To turn off the location settings, go into the settings or privacy menu and double check.
Snapchat has developed a feature called snap map which can show your location. It is very important to turn this feature off so you are able to keep safe. Snap Map tracks your current location and places your avatar on a map like a pin. This can allow others to zoom in and find exactly where you are. It doesn't take effect until you update the app, and it has an opt-out option. If you're opening the app for the first time after the update, snapchat will walk you through a step-by-step tutorial on how to use the snap Map. First, it'll show you how to pinch and zoom in the camera tool to access the map. Then it'll ask who you want to see your location. You get three choices; all your friends, select friends, or only me. Choosing' only me' activities what it calls' ghost mode' meaning you can see others but they can't see you. To turn off location data altogether, you'll need to visit your phone's settings where you can scroll down to snapchat, click on 'location', and choose to never share.

I had not realized that it can help potential hackers having location on. Does it not affect other functions?