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Forum Posts

Bob Dennis
May 24, 2023
In Questions & Answers
Over the last few months our Pinterest account has been deactivated without reason, and when followed up, they report unable to locate it. We then set up a new account, which was subsequently deactivated, again without reason. Because of this we have deleted all links on our website. Currently reviewing PearlTrees as alternative. Are there others out there with similar stories to tell? - Unforgiving! content media
Bob Dennis
Nov 15, 2022
In Events and Activities
At our digital drop in we try to cater for all who need help using online services, accessing devices, data, and helping people to set up there digital devices. Age is no barrier!
Wherever you start your digital journey age is no barrier. content media
Bob Dennis
Nov 09, 2022
In Events and Activities
Welcome feedback from members re: screenshot of new leaflet about Park View Project. Sorry in advance about quality!
Draft 1st Page of PVP leaflet 2022 content media
Bob Dennis
Sep 07, 2022
In Events and Activities
Our volunteer Online Chum Mentors receive their Customer Services Awards which supports their ongoing digital skills development.
Customer Services Awards 2022 content media
Bob Dennis
Sep 28, 2021
In General Discussion
In conjunction with Good Things Foundation three of our members will be participating in feedback sessions with NHS England Digital Partnership. This will be a exercise aimed at finding out what works for those with a Learning and physical disabilities. We will be posting to this forum findings once we embark on this mini venture.
Bob Dennis
Sep 12, 2021
In Questions & Answers
We have resolved the dilemma by use of non-digital channels as the only way to reach out to those Digitally Excluded. This is why our project adopts a traditional community development approach in supporting people to access online socially essential services. We use proxy organisations such as social care, health, community groups, charities etc., across the borough. We organise outreach in the hope of meeting people digitally challenged or their friends and families. We use printed material to invite residents to attend events, usually via friends and families. What more can we do?

Bob Dennis

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This website is designed, produced and updated by our volunteers 2017
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